King James Version
1. Now upon the first {day} of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain {others} with them. / 2. And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre. →
Well folks, Luke 24, what a wild ride it was! We start off with some sad news, two men telling the disciples of Jesus' death. A few of the disciples ran to his tomb and found it empty, with angels telling them Jesus had risen. →
Joe Rogan Experience
Joe: So what's going on in Luke 24? Bible Expert: Well, in this chapter, we see Jesus' resurrection and the disciples' disbelief when they first hear the news. They find out that Jesus is alive when two of them, Cleopas and another unnamed disciple, meet Jesus on the road to Emmaus. →
Contestant: "My name is [Name], and I'm here to summarize Luke 24. In this chapter, Jesus appears to his disciples after his resurrection, and he proves that he is alive by showing them the wounds in his hands and feet. →
Drill Sergeant
"You heathens, listen up! This is Luke 24. Jesus has been resurrected, and you better believe it! Two of his disciples were walking from Jerusalem to the village of Emmaus and Jesus joined them but they didn't recognize him. →
Batman: Holy resurrection, Robin! It appears Jesus has risen from the dead! Robin: You're right, Batman! In Luke 24, two of Jesus' disciples were walking to a village called Emmaus when Jesus suddenly appeared and joined them. →
Joe Biden
Listen, Jack, I'm not joking here - no malarkey! - but Luke 24 is literally a story about Jesus coming back to life. See here, Jack, it starts off with some of Jesus' friends coming to his tomb and finding it empty. →
Donald Trump
It's unbelievable, but in Luke 24, we see a terrific example of God's power and grace. Bigly, Jesus rises from the dead! Many people are saying this was an amazing feat and that it was a huge demonstration of His power. →
Family Guy
Peter: Alright, so Luke 24 is all about the resurrection, right? Stewie: Yeah, the resurrection of Jesus! Wait, did anyone see the new Star Wars movie? Lois: Stewie, focus! The disciples go to the tomb and find that Jesus is not there. →