Alex Trebek: Alright, so why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?
Contestant: Well, Alex, did you know that Luke 14 talks about how Jesus taught the people to be humble and to love their neighbors?
Alex Trebek: (with a hint of frustration) That's... uh, nice. So, what do you do for work?
Contestant: Well, Jesus told a parable about the great banquet, where a man invites many guests but none of them come. He then sends out invitations to those who were overlooked, and the banquet is filled with people.
Alex Trebek: (clearly exasperated) That's... uh, interesting. So what do you do in your spare time?
Contestant: Jesus also taught that you should not invite only your friends and family to the banquet, but instead invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind.
Alex Trebek: (visibly annoyed) Alright, I think I know what you do in your spare time now. So, do you like sports?
Contestant: Sure do! And Jesus also said that if you do not take up your cross and follow Him, you cannot be His disciple.
Alex Trebek: (sighing) Okay, that's great. Moving on...