Batman: Robin, I've been hearing reports of a great battle taking place in the land of Canaan.

Robin: Holy biblical battles, Batman! What can we do?

Batman: We must investigate! The Book of Judges tells us that the Israelites are fighting against the Canaanites.

Joker: Ha ha ha! You'll never win!

Batman: Not if we don't try! We must help the Israelites in their fight!

Robin: But how, Batman?

Batman: First, the Israelites must take control of the land before they can settle it. So they must drive out the people who are already living there.

Catwoman: Don't forget about me, Batman!

Batman: Not to worry, Catwoman. The Israelites also have to drive out the wicked nations and their gods.

Robin: That's a tall order, Batman!

Batman: Yes, Robin, but the Lord is with us. We must have faith!