(Batman and Robin enter a room in their secret headquarters, where the Riddler is waiting for them, a smug look on his face)
Riddler: Ah, Batman and Robin, I've been expecting you. I've got a riddle for you, if you're up to the challenge.
Batman: What is it, Riddler?
Riddler: I'm sure you're familiar with the book of Judges, chapter 3. It tells the story of how God allowed the Israelites to be oppressed by the king of Mesopotamia for eight years, in order to test their faithfulness. In the end, God sent a man named Othniel to deliver them from the king.
Robin: Wow, that's pretty impressive!
Riddler: Indeed it is, Robin. So here's my riddle: What did God do to deliver the Israelites from the king of Mesopotamia?
Batman: (smirking) The answer is simple, Riddler: God sent a man named Othniel to deliver them.
Riddler: (disappointed) Ah, well. You've solved my riddle. Until next time, Batman and Robin! (He exits, stage left)