Batman: Robin, what is the news about Judges 9?
Robin: Well Batman, it seems that after the death of Gideon, his 70 sons ruled the Israelites. But Abimelech, the son of Gideon's concubine, wanted to be king.
Catwoman: So he went to his mother's people in Shechem and asked them to make him king.
Batman: Hmm, I smell a rat.
Robin: Yes, Batman. Abimelech made a deal with the citizens of Shechem. He promised to give them a good deal if they made him king.
Riddler: So they made him king, but they didn't know what they were getting themselves into!
Batman: That's right, Riddler. Abimelech ruled for three years and then started killing off the leaders of Shechem.
Penguin: What a scoundrel! He even destroyed their city and killed many of its citizens.
Batman: Yes, Penguin, and to make matters worse, he did it all in the name of the Lord.
Robin: But thankfully, God eventually punished Abimelech for his wickedness.
Batman: Indeed, Robin. Abimelech was eventually killed in battle and the rule of the Israelites was restored.
Robin: So justice has been served, Batman!
Batman: Indeed it has, Robin. We must never forget the lesson of Judges 9 - justice will always prevail in the end!