Joker: Ha ha ha! What a world we live in, Batman!
Batman: Indeed, Joker. But not all is as it seems. In Judges 10, it is revealed that the Israelites have been worshiping false gods, and have been punished for it by God.
Robin: But Batman, why did the Israelites turn away from the Lord?
Batman: It says in Judges 10 that the Israelites had been turning away from God for a long time. They had forsaken him and had been worshipping false gods such as Baal and Ashtoreth.
Joker: Oh, those poor Israelites! What did God do to them?
Batman: God punished the Israelites by sending them into captivity by the hands of their enemies. However, the Israelites repent and cry out to God in desperation. God, in his mercy, hears their cry and rescues them.
Robin: That's amazing, Batman! What a show of God's power and mercy!
Batman: Indeed, Robin. Let this be a reminder that God is always ready to forgive us when we turn to him and repent of our sins!