Batman: "Greetings, Robin! We are here to discuss the eighth chapter of the book Judges!"
Robin: "Golly, Batman, what's it all about?"
Batman: "Very well, Robin. In the chapter, Gideon and his men were victorious in battle against the Midianites. After the battle, the men of Ephraim were upset because they had not been consulted in the battle. Gideon was able to calm the men and convince them that their assistance was not necessary."
Catwoman: "Ha! Typical. Gideon was probably just trying to take all the glory for himself!"
Batman: "Ah, Catwoman. Always up to no good. But, as it turns out, Gideon shared the spoils of the battle with the men of Ephraim. The Midianites were defeated and Gideon returned to Israel. But, unfortunately, the Israelites were soon back to worshipping false gods."
Robin: "Oh no, what will they do now?"
Batman: "The Israelites asked Gideon to be their king, but Gideon refused, citing that only God could be their king. Gideon then judged the people for forty years until he died."
Joker: "Oh, what a boring chapter! Nothing exciting happened at all!"
Batman: "That may be, Joker, but it is still an important chapter. Because, if it wasn't for Gideon's leadership and his refusal to be king, the Israelites may have continued worshipping false gods and strayed from God's path. So, you see, it was still a very important chapter."