Alex: So, contestant, tell me a bit about yourself!
Contestant: Alright, well, I'm a big fan of the Bible, and I thought I would take this opportunity to tell you about Judges 8.
Alex: [sighs heavily] Alright, go ahead.
Contestant: So, Judges 8 tells the story of Gideon, a brave and resourceful leader who was chosen by God to lead his people in battle against the Midianites. Using a small army of just 300 men, Gideon managed to defeat them and drive them out of the land. After his victory, the people asked him to be their king, but Gideon refused, saying that only God should be king over the Israelites.
Alex: [sighs again] Is there anything else you want to tell me?
Contestant: Well, Gideon did accept the role of judge and led the Israelites for 40 years. He also set up a system of worship centers throughout the land, where the people could offer sacrifices to God.
Alex: [sighs yet again] Alright, I think that's enough about the Bible. Let's talk about something else.