Contestant: Judges 9 is about the story of Abimelech, a son of Gideon who decides to take control of Shechem.
Alex: Oh, so he's the main character?
Contestant: Yes, he was the son of Gideon and was favored by his mother's family. He gathers a group of followers and asks them to help him become the king of Shechem.
Alex: Interesting. So, what happened next?
Contestant: Well, Abimelech's followers followed him and helped him take control of Shechem. He then went on to slay all of his 70 other brothers to secure his position as king.
Alex: *sighs* That's quite a story. Anything else in Judges 9?
Contestant: Yes, the story continues with Jotham, the youngest of Gideon's sons. He delivers a powerful speech criticizing Abimelech's actions and warning the people of Shechem of the consequences of following him. Abimelech then goes on to have a three-year reign of terror before dying in battle.
Alex: *groans* I really wish I had picked a different topic!