Batman: Ready to solve another mystery, Robin?

Robin: Sure thing, Batman! What's up?

Batman: We have to look into the mysterious circumstances surrounding Judges 2 of the Bible.

Catwoman: Oh, you mean that whole thing with the angel of the Lord?

Batman: Precisely. The angel of the Lord warned the Israelites that they would be punished if they disobeyed the Lord’s commands, so they agreed to follow them.

Riddler: But, of course, they didn’t stick to their word, right?

Batman: Right. The Israelites continued to worship false gods and goddesses and neglected the Lord’s commandments. As punishment, the Lord allowed their enemies to conquer them and enslave them.

Penguin: Ouch! That’s quite a punishment.

Robin: But there’s hope. The Lord did not completely abandon the Israelites. Whenever they cried out to Him for help, He sent them judges to save them from their enemies.

Batman: That’s right. And so the cycle of disobedience, punishment, and redemption continued for the Israelites until the time of King David.

Catwoman: I guess it just goes to show that you can’t ignore the Lord’s commands.

Batman: Indeed.