Peter: Alright, so this chapter of the Bible starts in the land of Canaan, and the angel of the Lord is all like: "I brought you out of Egypt, but you have not obeyed my commands. So I'm gonna let these other nations take over."
Lois: Wow, that's harsh.
Peter: Yeah, it's crazy. So then the people of Israel start worshipping other gods, and God gets really mad and sends them some enemies to test them.
Brian: Yeah, like the old "how bad do you want it" routine.
Peter: Exactly. So then the people of Israel start to cry out to God for help, and he sends them some judges to save them.
Lois: Wow, that's pretty cool.
Peter: Yeah, but then it says that the people kept on disobeying God and doing evil. So, God was like "Ugh, fine! I'm gonna let these other nations rule over you guys."
Brian: Ah, the classic "tough love" approach.
Peter: Yup. And that's the end of Judges 2!