Peter: Alright, so in Judges 4, Deborah was a prophet and judge who helped the people of Israel fight against the Canaanites.

Lois: Wait, was that the Battle of the Five Armies, like in The Hobbit?

Peter: No, no, that was different. Anyway, Deborah summoned Barak to lead the army against Sisera, the commander of the Canaanites, and told him to take 10,000 men with him.

Brian: Yeah, that's like when Frodo had to take the Ring to Mordor in Lord of the Rings, except with 10,000 men instead of just one hobbit.

Peter: Uhh, yeah, I guess so. So Barak took Deborah with him, and Sisera's army was defeated.

Stewie: What happened to Sisera?

Peter: Sisera ran away and hid in the tent of Jael, who was a Kenite.

Lois: Wait, like the Kenites from the '60s TV show?

Peter: Uhh, yeah, I guess so. So Jael killed Sisera with a tent peg and hammer.

Brian: Wow, so she was like Wonder Woman or something.

Peter: I guess so. Anyway, the Israelites were victorious and the land had peace for 40 years.

Lois: Wow, that's like when the Avengers defeated Thanos in Endgame.