Peter: "Alright, so Judges 18:30, here we go. So, there was this dude in the town of Dan, and he was like, 'Hey, let's build our own temple and worship our own god!' And then everyone was like, 'Yeah, sure, why not!' And then they went and did it, and they called it 'The High Place.' And then they started sacrificing animals to their new god, like a bunch of crazies.
Lois: Wow, Peter, that's really interesting. But why don't we just focus on the key points?
Peter: Oh, right. So, the people of Dan built a temple dedicated to a god they made up, and they started sacrificing animals in it. Oh, and they kept it up for a long time, like, hundreds of years.
Brian: Wow, that's quite a commitment. Hey, remember that episode of "The Big Bang Theory" where they built a temple to the god of toast?
Peter: Oh yeah, that was hilarious. But yeah, so that's it for Judges 18:30.