Brian: Alright, so, in Judges 7 we got Gideon leading an army against the Midianites, right?

Stewie: Right. So Gideon convinces the Lord to let him fight the Midianites with only 300 soldiers, and the Lord agrees.

Lois: Oh, yeah, and then when they reach the Midianite camp, Gideon tells his soldiers to blow their trumpets and break their clay jars, and they do, and it terrifies the Midianites.

Peter: Yeah, and then the Lord sends this huge hailstorm that messes up the Midianites even more, and then they all start getting killed by Gideon's men.

Brian: Wow. That's pretty impressive, even for the Lord.

Stewie: Yeah, and then the rest of the Midianites try to flee, but they're blocked by the Ephraimites at the Jordan River, and the Midianites get slaughtered there too.

Lois: And then the Midianite kings are all captured and executed, and Gideon gets all the glory.

Peter: Hey, that reminds me of the time I took on the giant lobster at the Krusty Krab. Man, that was a fight for the ages!