The Judges 7 story is tremendous- a winning story of an unlikely hero, Gideon, overcoming insurmountable odds to make Israel great again. Gideon and his 300-man army were up against a huge army of 135,000 Midianites, lead by their leader, Oreb. Many people are saying that it was an unbelievable task and that Gideon was overrated. But Gideon had a plan- he divided the army into three and blew a trumpet and broke pitchers, and then made the troops shout. The Midianite army was so scared that they began to fight against each other and the Israelites were victorious. It was amazing- so much winning! God bless America. Many such cases like this one have happened in the Bible, and it's a testament to the power of faith and the power of a great leader. Believe me, this is a terrific story, and it's sad! that so many haters and losers don't appreciate it.