In Judges 19, we see a very, very sad! story of a Levite who was traveling with his concubine and servant. He had to stay the night in a town called Gibeah, but no one there would let him stay. So, the man ends up staying with an old man who had taken them in for the night. But that night, the people of the town surrounded the house and demanded that the old man turn the Levite over to them. The old man offered his own daughter and the concubine of the Levite instead, and they were taken away and abused all night long. In the morning, the Levite found his concubine dead outside the door, and he cut her body into 12 pieces and sent them throughout the land of Israel. When the people of Israel heard what had happened, they were outraged and they went to war against the people of Gibeah. In the end, the people of Gibeah were defeated, and the Israelites were able to make the land great again. God bless America!