Well, this one takes us back to the Bible's wild and wonderful days of yore. In Judges 19, we meet a Levite who has a concubine. But the concubine runs away, so the Levite sets out to find her. After a long search, he finds her in her father's house, and they stay there for a few days. But then the Levite decides it's time to go home, so he sets off with the concubine ... but along the way, they stop for the night in a town called Gibeah. And things get real weird real fast. Apparently the locals don't take kindly to visitors, and they surround the house demanding the Levite be handed over to them. But instead, the old man who owns the house offers up his virgin daughter and the Levite's concubine to appease the mob. Yeah, it's pretty messed up. So the Levite sends his concubine out to them and they rape her all night long. When the Levite wakes up in the morning, he finds his concubine dead on the doorstep. And then he chops her up into twelve pieces and sends them to the twelve tribes of Israel. And that's Judges 19, folks. Have a good night.