Hey, folks, it's Norm MacDonald here for Weekend Update. So, if you thought the Bible was all about peace and love, well, you'd be wrong. This week, we're checking out Judges Chapter 13, and it's a doozy. So, these folks in the land of Zorah have a real problem. An angel of the Lord says they have to give birth to a special child and they have to raise him according to God's instructions. But, get this, the angel also says the kid has to be a Nazirite and never cut his hair, drink any alcohol, or even eat any grapes. Yeah, that's right. No booze, no grapes. The kid's name is Samson and he grows up to be a real tough guy who fights off the Philistines. So, yeah, there you go. That's Judges Chapter 13. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go chug a beer and eat some grapes. Peace out!