Hey, folks, it's me, Norm MacDonald here with another chapter of the Bible. This time we've got Judges 14. This is the one with Samson, and boy, what a guy! He's looking for a wife, and he seems to have a type: Philistine women. No surprise since his own people were kind of, uh, not so into him. So he goes to the Philistines and sees this woman and falls in love. But her dad won't let him marry her because of a little cultural divide. So Samson says, "No problem! I'll do you a riddle: Out of the eater came something to eat, and out of the strong came something sweet." Well, the Philistines can't figure it out so they offer a little incentive: if he solves it, they'll give him thirty sets of clothes. So Samson gives the right answer - honey out of a lion - and wins his wife. Moral of the story: don't mess with Samson.