Peter: Alright, so this is Judges 14. So, it's about this guy, Samson, and he's a judge and he's like, "Oh man, I'm going to get me a wife," and he goes and he sees this Philistine woman and he's like, "Hey, I'm gonna marry her." And everyone's like, "What? You can't do that, she's Philistine!" And he's like, "Yeah, I can do whatever I want, I'm strong like the Hulk!"
Lois: So then what happens?
Peter: Well, Samson's dad and mom are like, "No way, you can't marry her," and they try to talk him out of it. So then to prove he can do whatever he wants he's like, "I'm gonna give you guys a riddle!"
Brian: Oh, how exciting.
Peter: So he gives them this riddle, and it's like, "What goes up and down but never moves?" And they don't know the answer, so they get all the Philistine guys to try to figure it out.
Cleveland: So what is the answer?
Peter: Oh, it's stairs. Anyway, they can't figure it out so they bribe Samson's wife to get the answer out of him, and she does.
Quagmire: Wow, so what happens then?
Peter: Well, Samson gets mad and he kills a bunch of Philistines and he escapes. And then he goes back to his wife's dad and he's like, "Gimme my wife." So his wife's dad says, "No, you gotta give me thirty Philistine outfits," and Samson's like, "Fine," and he kills a bunch more Philistines and he takes their stuff and he gives it to his wife's dad.
Joe: Wow, what a wild story.
Peter: Yeah, I know. So then Samson and his wife get together and they have a son and they name him Samson Junior. The end.