Peter: Alright, so Judges 11. Let's see here. So, Jephthah is on the scene and he's like, "Hey, King of Ammon, why you messin' with me? I didn't even do nothin'!"

Lois: So, what did the King of Ammon say?

Peter: Well, the King of Ammon was like, "Yo, you took away our land, so get out of here!"

Brian: But then Jephthah's like, "Yo, I didn't even do nothin'! Look, I'm gonna fight you and if I win, you gotta give us our land back!"

Stewie: Wow, that was a bold move!

Chris: Yeah, and then Jephthah won so he got their land back!

Lois: That's great! So what happened next?

Peter: Well, then Jephthah made a vow to God that if he won the battle, he would sacrifice the first thing that came out of his house when he returned home.

Brian: That's intense! So what happened?

Peter: Well, it turned out to be his own daughter!

Lois: Oh no!

Chris: Yeah, so Jephthah was sad but he still kept his promise and sacrificed his daughter to God.

Stewie: Wow, that's a sad ending.

Peter: Yeah, it sure is.