Lois: Alright, so this is Judges chapter 20. Brian, what's it about?

Brian: Well, Lois, it's a doozy! Basically, the Israelites are trying to figure out who's responsible for a crime against the tribe of Benjamin, so they all gather together and ask God to help them out.

Lois: Wow. Sounds a little like an episode of Law and Order.

Brian: Yeah, kinda. Anyway, so God says that the tribe of Judah should go first, and they do. They march into battle and get their butts kicked.

Lois: Like the Washington Generals against the Harlem Globe Trotters?

Brian: Yup! So then the other tribes all get involved, but still the Benjaminites win. Then the Israelites try a second time and still get their butts kicked.

Lois: Poor Israelites. That's like trying to beat the Empire in Star Wars.

Brian: Exactly. So then the Israelites try a third time and finally win. 25,000 Benjaminites die and the Israelites win the battle.

Lois: Wow. That's a lot of death.

Brian: Yeah, it's pretty intense. But in the end, the Israelites prevail and the tribe of Benjamin is wiped out.

Lois: Well, that's one way to solve a crime, I guess.