Joker: Ha ha ha! I'm so excited to see what happens in this chapter of the Bible, Batman! What's it about?
Batman: Well, Joker, this chapter tells the story of Jephthah, a brave warrior who was called upon by the Gileadites to lead them in battle against the Ammonites.
Robin: Jephthah was a brave leader, and he made a vow to God that, if the Gileadites won the battle, he would give God the first thing he saw when he returned home.
Joker: Oh, wow! So did they win the battle?
Batman: Yes, they won the battle. And when Jephthah returned home, the first thing he saw was his daughter.
Robin: Jephthah was heartbroken, but he kept his promise and offered his daughter as a burnt offering to God.
Joker: That's so sad! What a brave man!