Batman: Robin, it's time to review the seventh chapter of Judges!
Robin: What happened, Batman?
Batman: Well, the Lord told Gideon to reduce his army from 32,000 soldiers to just 300!
Joker: What a cruel twist of fate!
Batman: Indeed, Joker. But Gideon wisely tested his troops by making them drink from a stream. The ones who lapped the water like dogs were chosen to stay, while the others were sent home.
Catwoman: So, did Gideon and his band of 300 defeat the enemy?
Batman: Yes, Catwoman! Using a strategy of surprise and division, Gideon and his small force were able to rout the Midianite army.
Robin: I guess you don't need an army to have courage, Batman!
Batman: That's right, Robin. We can all learn a lesson from this chapter: With the help of God, even the smallest of us can achieve great things!