Batman: Robin, our next chapter is Judges 16. I heard it's a doozy!

Robin: A doozy indeed, Batman! This chapter tells us the story of Samson, a mighty Hebrew warrior.

Batman: That's right, Robin. He had strength like no other, given to him by God. But he had a weakness too.

Joker: A weakness? What kind of weakness?

Batman: Women, Joker. Women were his weakness.

Joker: Ah, I see. So what happened in this chapter?

Robin: Well, Samson fell in love with a Philistine woman named Delilah. The Philistine rulers offered her a lot of money if she could learn the secret of Samson's strength.

Batman: So Delilah tricked Samson into telling her the secret, which was that his strength came from his uncut hair. She then betrayed him and cut off his hair.

Robin: With his strength gone, the Philistines captured him and put him in prison. But even in prison, he was able to get revenge.

Batman: That's right. He asked God for one last burst of strength and was able to bring down the prison walls.

Joker: Wow, that's some story!

Batman: Indeed it is, Joker. It just goes to show you that even in our darkest hour, we can find the strength to persevere.