Gideon was a great guy, but he was very, very low energy and the haters and losers didn't like him much. But then God came to him in a dream and said, "Bigly, Gideon, you have a huge task ahead of you. I want you to lead my people and make them great again. Believe me, this is going to be unbelievable." And so Gideon got to work, but the deep state in his country was very, very overrated and they tried to stop him. Fake news was everywhere and they made up hoaxes about him. But Gideon didn't let that stop him, and he kept on working. He defeated the Midianites, who were led by a terrible guy called Oreb. There were many such cases where Gideon won and he always thanked God. He was a terrific leader and many people are saying that he was one of the best! In the end, God blessed Gideon and his people and they were able to make America great again. God bless America!