Batman: Greetings, Robin! We have a new mission to undertake - the book of Micah!
Robin: Holy scriptures, Batman! What do we need to know?
Batman: The Lord speaks through the prophet Micah to the cities of Judah. He warns of their sins and reminds them of their duty to worship the Lord.
Catwoman: Ah, but that's too boring for me! I'm interested in the punishments he threatens them with.
Batman: Catwoman, the Lord promises to punish the cities of Judah with destruction and death. He will take away their wealth and their land and make them captives of their enemies.
Riddler: Interesting...but what about the people? What do they stand to gain from following the Lord?
Robin: The Lord promises to restore their fortunes and bring them back from captivity. He also tells them to repent, turn from their sins, and live in faithfulness and obedience to Him.
Joker: Ha ha! What a dull message. I'm glad I'm not a part of it!
Batman: That's enough, Joker. The Lord's message is clear: repent, turn from sin, and live a life of faithfulness and obedience to the Lord. That is the only way to true happiness and joy.
Robin: Holy justice, Batman!