Batman: 'Greetings, Robin! The first chapter of Numbers is all about taking a census of the people of Israel.

Robin: Right-o, Batman! The Lord tells Moses to count all the men between the ages of 20 and 60 who were able to go to war.

Joker: Aw, c'mon, that sounds boring!

Catwoman: It does sound a bit tedious, but then Moses tells them to organize the people by their families and tribes.

Riddler: That's more like it! I'm sure it was quite the challenge to keep track of who belonged to which tribe.

Penguin: And not to mention all the names! After all, those Israelites had some long, complicated names.

Batman: The Lord also instructed Moses to assign officers to each tribe to help keep track of all the people and to keep the census orderly.

Robin: Wow, it's a good thing the Lord was looking out for them!