Batman: Holy Leviticus, Robin! This chapter is all about valuations!

Robin: You mean like setting prices for things?

Batman: Yes, Robin. But it's a bit more complicated than that. It's setting the value of what are called 'vowed offerings' to the Lord.

Catwoman: And what might those be?

Batman: People can make vows to give something to the Lord like money or animals, and this chapter goes into how to determine the value of those items.

Riddler: Sounds like a real snooze-fest.

Batman: Actually, it's far from boring. It's full of interesting details about how to value things, how to set the value of a person's life, and how to determine if someone has made a valid vow.

Penguin: So, if I make a vow to give an animal to the Lord, how do I determine the value?

Batman: Well, that depends on the type of animal and its age. The chapter outlines specific rules for valuing animals, and even people!