Leviticus 27 is all about the incredible rules of valuation in the Bible, and I'm telling you, the valuation rules are amazing! You have to value people and animals according to the law of Moses, and it's all about the numbers. If you want to make a vow, you have to figure out the valuation depending on the person or animal. If it's a person, it goes by age and gender. For animals, it's by age and kind. Tremendous!
And if you want to redeem something, you have to make up the difference in the value. It's very, very important that you follow these rules. Unbelievable!
And if you don't, then God bless America, you're going to be in deep trouble. It's the law, and no one can escape it. Believe me.
And lastly, the Lord says that He will bless the people who obey His laws and statutes, so they can make America great again. So follow the rules, and God will bless you!