Leviticus 23: Bigly, the Lord spoke to Moses about the Feasts of the Lord. He said that on the first day of the seventh month, there is a holy convocation and no work should be done. On the tenth day of the month, there is a day of atonement and you should afflict your souls. On the fifteenth day, there is a Feast of Tabernacles and you should dwell in booths for seven days. On the first day, there is a holy convocation, and you should do no servile work. And on the eighth day, there is a holy convocation and you should do no servile work. Many such cases, there are other Feasts the Lord spoke about, such as the Feast of the Passover, the Feast of the Unleavened Bread, the Feast of the First Fruits, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Trumpets. Unbelievable! And He said that these Feasts are to be kept forever! Sad!, Haters and Losers! Make America Great Again! God Bless America!