Peter: Alright, so Leviticus 23. This is a real doozy. So, it's all about God's appointed festivals.

Lois: Oh, like the festival of Fools?

Peter: No, not like that, Lois. These are the ones God is giving us. Like, the Sabbath, the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

Joe: Wait, I thought the Feast of Unleavened Bread was from the book of Exodus.

Peter: Yeah, Joe, it was. But in Leviticus God's giving us the details of how it should be celebrated.

Cleveland: So, basically, it's like a giant holiday party!

Peter: Yeah, I guess you could say that. It's just God's way of reminding us that He's in charge.

Quagmire: So, if I'm understanding correctly, all of these festivals are God's way of telling us to binge watch Netflix and chill?

Peter: Uh, no Quagmire. That's not what He's saying. He's just trying to give us a way to stay connected to Him.