Peter: Alright, so let's see what we got goin' on here in Leviticus 14. So, uh... like, first off there's like, a bunch of instructions for cleansing someone who's been afflicted by leprosy. Meg: Gross. Peter: Yeah, totally gross. Lois: So, what else does it say? Peter: Uh, oh, well it's got instructions for cleansing houses of leprosy, and then there's like, some instructions for sacrificing a lamb and a dove and some oil and flour, like, to make a peace offering. Meg: Wow, that's kind of like when Spock had to sacrifice a goat on Star Trek in the episode "Amok Time," right? Peter: Right, right... oh, and then there's instructions for someone who's poor and can't afford a lamb. Lois: How do they make the peace offering then? Peter: Uh, they just gotta offer two turtledoves or something. Meg: Oh, like the Turtles? Peter: Yeah, like the Turtles.