Peter: Alright, so what's this one about?

Lois: Well, Leviticus 19 is all about living a holy life. It talks about how to treat your neighbor and how to observe the Sabbath.

Peter: Oh yeah, that reminds me of that classic 70s movie, "Sabbath Day's Vacation" with Chevy Chase.

Lois: (Rolling her eyes) That's not quite the same thing, Peter. It also talks about not stealing, not lying, and not cursing the deaf.

Chris: So, it's kinda like that rap song, "Don't Curse the Deaf"?

Lois: (Sighs) No, Chris. It also gives instructions on how to observe the festivals, like the Passover, and how to offer sacrifices to God.

Brian: Speaking of offering sacrifices to God, I think I'm gonna go offer up a sacrifice of a couple of cold beers.

Peter: Sounds good to me. Let's go!