Batman: Robin, we must read Leviticus 19!
Robin: What does it say, Batman?
Batman: It tells us that we must be holy, just as the Lord our God is holy. We must not lie, cheat, or steal, but instead stay truthful and honest. We must show respect and kindness to our fellow man. We must not oppress the poor or the stranger, and always remember to honor our father and mother.
Joker: Ha ha ha! What a bunch of nonsense!
Batman: Joker, you should take this to heart. We must also be careful to not practice divination, sorcery, or witchcraft. We must not cut ourselves or shave our heads in times of grief. We must not eat anything that comes from an unclean animal.
Robin: Wow, these are some important rules to follow!
Batman: Indeed, Robin. We must also not follow the customs of the nations around us, like offering our children as sacrifices. We must not go to mediums or seek out the dead. We must not hate our brother in our hearts and must not take revenge or bear a grudge. We must not wrong our neighbor and must always be honest in our dealings.
Catwoman: So, be good or else?
Batman: That's right, Catwoman. We must always live in a way that is pleasing to God.