Batman: Greetings, Robin! We are about to embark on another mission to save the world from injustice, this time in the Bible - Leviticus 21!

Robin: What do we have in store this time, Batman?

Batman: This chapter talks about rules for the priests. It states that they must not make themselves ritually unclean by touching a corpse.

Catwoman: That doesn't sound very exciting. What else can you tell us?

Batman: Well, there are other rules as well. For example, priests are not allowed to marry a divorced woman, or a prostitute. They must also present themselves in a dignified manner and not become disheveled.

Robin: That's a lot of rules!

Batman: Yes, but they are all important. The priests must follow these rules in order to maintain their holiness.

Joker: What a drag! I don't think I'll be signing up for priesthood any time soon!