Robin: Holy Moses! What's all this about, Batman?
Batman: This is Leviticus 23, old chum. It's a list of the holy days of observance for the Israelites.
Joker: Hey, I'm all about holy days, Batty. What are we talking about here?
Batman: The text starts by listing the weekly Sabbath and then moves on to the seven major feasts of the Lord: Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles.
Robin: Gosh, that sounds like a lot of work.
Catwoman: Not to mention expensive! All these feasts involve sacrifices, which means they're gonna cost a pretty penny.
Riddler: But what's the point of all this, Batman?
Batman: To keep the faith alive, Riddler. The Israelites are supposed to remember the Lord by observing these holy days and by making the proper sacrifices.
Penguin: Well, it's all a bit much for me.
Batman: That's why the Lord also provided instructions for how to make these holidays special. He says to take a break from work and to rejoice with friends and family.
Robin: That sounds like a lot of fun!
Batman: Indeed it does, Robin. And it's an important part of our faith, too.