Joker: Ha ha ha! I'm feeling devilish today, what mischief can I make?

Batman: Not today, Joker! We have to focus on summarizing Leviticus 15.

Robin: That's right! This chapter is all about bodily discharges.

Joker: That doesn't sound very exciting.

Batman: It might not sound exciting, but it's important for us to understand the religious and health implications of this chapter.

Catwoman: So what does Leviticus 15 say about these discharges?

Robin: It says that if a man has any kind of bodily discharge, he is considered unclean.

Joker: But what if it's a woman?

Batman: If a woman has a discharge of blood, she is considered unclean for seven days.

Riddler: What if the discharge continues for longer than seven days?

Robin: Then she is considered unclean until the discharge stops, and she must offer a sacrifice to become clean again.

Penguin: Is that all Leviticus 15 says?

Batman: It also says that if a man has a bodily discharge, he must bathe and be considered unclean until the evening.

Catwoman: What if the man's discharge is contagious?

Robin: Then he must remain isolated until the discharge has stopped, and he must offer a sacrifice when he is declared clean.

Joker: Phew, that's a lot of rules!

Batman: Yes, but it's important to understand and follow the rules in Leviticus 15.