Alex: "Alright, let's get to know you a little bit. Tell us about yourself."

Contestant: "Well, Alex, I'm a Bible scholar, and I'm here to tell you all about Leviticus 15."

Alex [sighing in frustration]: "Oh, great. [under his breath] Here we go again... Alright, let's hear it."

Contestant: "Leviticus 15 deals with the laws of cleanliness, particularly concerning bodily discharges. It states that a man who has a discharge from his body is considered unclean, and anyone who touches him or his bed is also considered unclean. It also states that anyone with a bodily discharge must wash their garments, bathe in water, and wait until sundown before they can be considered clean again."

Alex [clearly exasperated]: "Ugh. Alright, I think that's enough about Leviticus 15. Let's move on to something else."