Folks, here's the deal. It's all about clean and unclean. I'm not joking. My father used to say, "Listen, Jack, if you want to stay clean, you gotta follow the rules." Well, in Leviticus 15, that's exactly what it's talkin' about. No malarkey. See here, Jack: if a man has a discharge from his private parts, he's unclean. Or uh, you know, a woman has her period, she's unclean. C'mon, man! It's just the way it is. What was that? Oh, yeah. Unclean animals too. Pigs, camels, rabbits, oh my. If you touch 'em, you gotta wash off. Literally. That's the deal. And if you don't? Not gonna happen. I tell you what. You stay clean, you stay happy. Excuse me. That's Leviticus 15.