Folks, here's the deal. Leviticus 25 starts off with God telling the Israelites that they should consecrate the Year of Jubilee. Every 50 years, they should have a special time of celebration and make things right in their country. During this time, all slaves should be set free, all debts should be canceled, and all land should be given back to its original owners. See here, Jack, if you have a brother who's fallen on hard times, you should be generous and lend him money. No malarkey. And I'm not joking, if he can't pay it back, then you should forgive him and be done with it. My father used to say, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Literally. Excuse me, but what was that? Oh, yeah, and if somebody sells you land, it can only be held for a certain amount of time, and then it has to go back to the original owner. Or uh, you know, you can buy it off of the original owner and then keep it in your family forever. That's how it works. C'mon, man! No way is it ever gonna happen that somebody just "owns" the land and keeps it forever. I tell you what, that's just not gonna fly.