Joe: Alright, so Leviticus 25, what are we talking about here?

Bible Expert: Leviticus 25 outlines the laws regarding the sabbatical year and the jubilee year.

Joe: What is a sabbatical year?

Bible Expert: Well, every seventh year, the Israelites were to rest from their labors. They were to let their land rest and not work it, and were to forgive any debts that were owed.

Joe: So, no working the land and no debts?

Bible Expert: That's right. In addition, any slaves who were owned by an Israelite were to be set free in the sabbatical year.

Joe: Wow, that's amazing. What about the jubilee year?

Bible Expert: The jubilee year was meant to be a time of great celebration and rejoicing. Every fifty years, the land was to rest, and all land that had been sold was to be returned to the original owner.

Joe: That's incredible. So, if someone sold their land, they would get it back after fifty years?

Bible Expert: That's right. The jubilee year was meant to be a time of restoration and renewal for the Israelites.

Joe: That's really interesting. Alright, well I think that wraps up Leviticus 25. Thanks for joining us!