Joe: So, this Leviticus 8. What’s that all about?
Bible Expert: Well, it’s about the consecration of Aaron and his sons into the priesthood. God instructs Moses to take Aaron and his sons and to bring them to the Tabernacle to be consecrated.
Joe: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Tabernacle? What’s that?
Bible Expert: The Tabernacle was a portable sanctuary built by the Israelites during their time in the wilderness. It was the place where God’s presence resided among the Israelites.
Joe: Interesting. So what happens during this consecration?
Bible Expert: Moses anoints Aaron and his sons with oil and then he clothes them in the priestly garments. This is to signify that they are now set apart as priests.
Joe: Alright, I get it. So what else happens?
Bible Expert: Well, then Moses brings forward a bull and two rams and he offers them as a sacrifice. He then takes some of the blood from the bull and sprinkles it on Aaron and his sons.
Joe: What does the blood signify?
Bible Expert: The blood is a symbol of atonement, it signifies that Aaron and his sons are now set apart and holy before the Lord.
Joe: Whoa, that’s intense. Alright, so what’s the end result?
Bible Expert: At the end of the chapter, Moses and Aaron bless the people and then Aaron and his sons are officially consecrated as priests.