Robin: Holy Bat-Books, Batman! It looks like we've come to an important chapter in the Bible.

Batman: Indeed we have, Robin. Leviticus 8 is all about the ordination of Aaron and his sons as priests.

Joker: Ha ha ha! It's so funny that these ancient folks thought they needed priests! It's like they thought the gods lived in a tree or something!

Batman: Actually, Joker, the book of Leviticus is part of the Old Testament, which is the foundation of the Christian faith.

Catwoman: Oh, how fascinating. So what did Aaron and his sons do to be ordained?

Batman: Well, they had to go through a lengthy ritual that included sacrificing a bull, a ram, and a goat. They also had to sprinkle the blood on the altar and anoint Aaron with oil.

Robin: Wow, that sounds pretty intense.

Batman: It certainly was, Robin. But after all of that, Aaron and his sons were officially ordained as priests.