Batman: Robin, I'm afraid we have a new villain to contend with: Leviticus!
Robin: What's his diabolical plan?
Batman: It seems that Leviticus has created a set of rules and regulations for the Israelites to follow. He's intent on making sure they remain obedient to God.
Catwoman: Oh, please! Rules, schmules. Who cares about following orders?
Batman: If you want to stay on God's good side, Catwoman, it's essential that you follow the instructions in Leviticus. For example, it says that when people offer a grain offering to the Lord, it should be made of fine flour mixed with oil, and it should never contain yeast.
The Riddler: How terribly boring!
Batman: It may seem dull to you, Riddler, but this is serious stuff. Leviticus also says that when people burn incense as an offering to the Lord, they must not use any fragrant spices.
Penguin: Sounds positively dreadful!
Batman: Indeed! But it's important to remember that these rules were given to the Israelites to help them stay close to God.
Joker: Well, if you ask me, it's a bit of a waste of time.
Robin: But we don't, Joker! We must heed the warnings of Leviticus and stay on the right path.