Robin: Holy scripture, Batman! Leviticus 7 is filled with instructions on how to make certain offerings to the Lord!

Batman: Indeed, Robin. If a man presents a sacrifice of peace offering to the Lord, it must be eaten on the day he offers it, or on the next day.

Catwoman: But what about the fat and the blood?

Batman: The fat of the sacrifice must be offered up in smoke on the altar, and the blood must be poured out onto the sides of the altar.

Joker: Oh, come now. That's not very nice!

Robin: Don't forget, Joker, that no matter when the sacrifice is offered, the flesh must be eaten the same day as the offering.

Batman: That's right, Robin. And no fat or blood should be kept over until morning.

Joker: What a bore! What else?

Batman: Well, Joker, there are also instructions on how to offer a guilt offering. If an offering is made for a sin, the priest must burn the fat on the altar, and the rest of the offering must be eaten by the priest in the holy place.