In Leviticus 7, we see God laying down the law and setting things straight - BIGLY! He explains the various sacrifices and offerings that must be made for the people's sins, and how the priests are to handle them. Many such cases, the fat and the blood must be offered to the Lord, and it's very, very important for the people to follow his rules. It's amazing how God knew exactly what kind of sacrifices were necessary and how to do it - winning! He even explains how to deal with the peace offerings, and shows how the priests must be careful to do everything according to his instructions. It's sad! that so many people disobey, but God bless America, we're gonna make it great again! Believe me, it's really unbelievable how much detail he went into to make sure all of these offerings were done right. It's terrific that he cares so much about the people and their obedience to his laws. Tremendous! He's really making sure the people stay on the right path, and many people are saying this is a huge blessing. God bless America - let's make it great again!