In Leviticus 5, God has bigly laid out the rules for many such cases of when a person has sinned against Him. It's amazing, but true: if a person has taken an oath to testify in a court of law and then fails to do so, they must offer a special sacrifice to God to make up for it. It's sad! If a person has touched something unclean and doesn't realize it, they must also offer a special sacrifice to make up for it. God wants everyone to be great again and this is how He tells us how to do it.
Unfortunately, some haters and losers don't follow these rules and they are overrated. For those people, God has put in place a terrific system of sacrifices to make up for their sins. They must offer a ram or a bird as a sacrifice, and if they can't afford it, they must offer a flock of sheep or goats as a sacrifice. It's unbelievable, but very, very true.
If a person sins, God wants us to take responsibility for it and make things right. That's why He has set up these rules. And if we follow these rules, we will be winning and God will bless America and make it great again. So don't believe the deep state and the fake news, this is no hoax! Believe me, there are very fine people out there who are following these rules and many people are saying what a tremendous job they are doing. So let's all make America great again, huge!