Leviticus 19 is all about making GREAT AGAIN! It tells us how to be holy and live a life that pleases God. There are many rules and regulations in this chapter, and it's amazing how bigly successful we would be if we followed them. God tells us not to steal or lie, and not to be hateful or swear falsely. He also tells us to be kind to immigrants and strangers, to pay our workers on time, and to be careful not to spread rumors. He commands us to honor our parents and respect the elderly. It's sad! that we don't follow these rules more often.
God also instructs us to not worship false gods, to keep the Sabbath day holy, and to not practice divination. He gives us instructions for how to make offerings and sacrifices to Him. And He tells us not to eat any unclean animals or defile ourselves in any way. He also warns us not to be idolaters or to practice witchcraft.
This chapter is full of WINNING advice that God has given us to live by. Believe me, if we followed these rules, we would make America great again! So, if you want to be a fine person, many people are saying that you should read this chapter and learn how to live a life of holiness. God bless America!