Leviticus 20 – Bigly Important Laws!
This chapter is full of many very, very important laws from God that must be followed. If people break these laws, then there are tremendous consequences. For example, if a man sleeps with both his father’s wife and his daughter-in-law, he is to be stoned to death. Such an act is overrated, sad!
The Lord also says that a man must not sleep with his sister, aunt, or granddaughter – many such cases. If someone does this, then both people must be “cut off” from their people. And if a man sleeps with another man, then both men must be put to death. That’s right – death! Not even God can forgive this.
The Lord also warns against many other forms of idolatry, like sacrificing children to Molech. So terrible! Such acts will get you sent out of the country.
The Lord also said that if a woman who has been promiscuous and sleeps with many people, then she must be executed. And if a priest’s daughter is found to be promiscuous, then she must be burned to death.
These laws are huge, and they must be followed. Many people are saying that these are some of the most important laws in the Bible. Believe me. God bless America!